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Details about Astra Trans Carpatic

Here you can find usefull information about Astra Trans Carpatic: contact details, operated trains, departure stations. For other train operators, please click here.

Astra Trans Carpatic


Departure stations

This is the list of the departure stations for the Astra Trans Carpatic operator.

Trains operated by Astra Trans Carpatic

Astra Trans Carpatic operates a total of 20 trains. Here you can see the most important trains operated by Astra Trans Carpatic.

Train Leaves from At Arrives to At Distance
IR 15594 Arad 20:27 Constanta 10:10 (next day) 815 km
IR 15593 Constanta 17:22 Arad 07:05 (next day) 815 km
IR 15591 Bucuresti Nord 20:10 Arad 07:05 (next day) 591 km
IR 15592 Arad 20:27 Bucuresti Nord 07:20 (next day) 591 km
IR 15581 Bucuresti Nord 08:00 Mangalia 11:25 268 km
IR 15582 Mangalia 13:30 Bucuresti Nord 17:05 268 km
IR 15583 Bucuresti Nord 08:00 Constanta 10:23 225 km
IR 15584 Constanta 14:45 Bucuresti Nord 17:05 225 km
IR 15537 Bucuresti Nord 15:40 Brasov 18:18 166 km
IR 15533 Bucuresti Nord 07:40 Brasov 10:16 166 km
IR 15531 Bucuresti Nord 06:40 Brasov 09:18 166 km
IR 15535 Bucuresti Nord 14:15 Brasov 16:51 166 km
IR 15532 Brasov 10:40 Bucuresti Nord 13:18 166 km
IR 15536 Brasov 17:25 Bucuresti Nord 20:00 166 km
IR 15538 Brasov 18:45 Bucuresti Nord 21:21 166 km
IR 15534 Brasov 12:00 Bucuresti Nord 14:36 166 km
IR 15525 Bucuresti Nord 21:42 Titu 22:45 48 km
IR 15523 Bucuresti Nord 17:51 Titu 18:53 48 km
IR 15522 Titu 06:18 Bucuresti Nord 07:01 48 km
IR 15520 Titu 05:30 Bucuresti Nord 06:13 48 km