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Details about Regio Calatori

Here you can find usefull information about Regio Calatori: contact details, operated trains, departure stations. For other train operators, please click here.

Regio Calatori


Departure stations

This is the list of the departure stations for the Regio Calatori operator.

Trains operated by Regio Calatori

Regio Calatori operates a total of 254 trains. Here you can see the most important trains operated by Regio Calatori.

Train Leaves from At Arrives to At Distance
IR 16088 Brasov 07:20 Mangalia 13:45 427 km
IR 16089 Mangalia 14:25 Brasov 20:37 427 km
IR 16068 Iasi 15:28 Ploiesti Vest 21:22 348 km
IR 16067 Ploiesti Vest 08:56 Iasi 14:37 348 km
R 16245 Arad 14:07 Brad 18:45 167 km
R 16247 Arad 16:10 Brad 20:58 167 km
R 16239 Arad 05:20 Brad 09:14 167 km
R 16240 Brad 04:46 Arad 09:16 167 km
R 16246 Brad 14:22 Arad 19:13 167 km
R 16248 Brad 16:38 Arad 20:33 167 km
R 16037 Bucuresti Nord 20:36 Brasov 23:57 166 km
R 16035 Bucuresti Nord 18:15 Brasov 21:38 166 km
R 16031 Bucuresti Nord 08:41 Brasov 11:59 166 km
R 16033 Bucuresti Nord 11:05 Brasov 14:11 166 km
R 16036 Brasov 16:00 Bucuresti Nord 19:08 166 km
R 16030 Brasov 05:05 Bucuresti Nord 08:05 166 km
R 16032 Brasov 06:37 Bucuresti Nord 09:47 166 km
R 16034 Brasov 14:05 Bucuresti Nord 17:21 166 km
R 16513 Iasi 05:00 Dorohoi 08:38 154 km
R 16515 Iasi 06:41 Dorohoi 09:57 154 km