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Trains departing from Bod Hm.

There is a total of 10 trains departing from Bod Hm. on the 25th of April. Alternatively, you can view the list of trains arriving to Bod Hm.

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Train To Departure Operator
R 3528 Brasov 05:18 CFR Calatori
R 3532 Brasov 06:30 CFR Calatori
R 3501 Medias 06:31 CFR Calatori
R 3531 Rupea 08:03 CFR Calatori
R 3500 Brasov 10:34 CFR Calatori
R 3534 Brasov 13:51 CFR Calatori
R 3503 Teius 14:51 CFR Calatori
R 3533 Sighisoara 16:17 CFR Calatori
R 3536 Brasov 18:58 CFR Calatori
R 3535 Sighisoara 20:24 CFR Calatori