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Trains departing from Bodoc Hm.

There is a total of 14 trains departing from Bodoc Hm. on the 15th of February. Alternatively, you can view the list of trains arriving to Bodoc Hm.

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Train To Departure Operator
IR-N 1944 Mangalia 00:34 CFR Calatori
R 4501 Gheorgheni 05:04 CFR Calatori
R 4502 Brasov 05:36 CFR Calatori
R 4505 Siculeni 06:41 CFR Calatori
R 4504 Brasov 08:39 CFR Calatori
R 4517 Siculeni 13:33 CFR Calatori
R 4509 Gheorgheni 13:33 CFR Calatori
R 4508 Brasov 15:46 CFR Calatori
R 4513 Toplita 17:06 CFR Calatori
R 4510 Brasov 17:34 CFR Calatori
R 4514 Brasov 17:34 CFR Calatori
R 4515 Miercurea Ciuc 20:48 CFR Calatori
R 4519 Siculeni 20:48 CFR Calatori
R 4512 Brasov 21:25 CFR Calatori