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Trains departing from Bradet Hm.

There is a total of 13 trains departing from Bradet Hm. on the 11th of September. Alternatively, you can view the list of trains arriving to Bradet Hm.

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Train To Departure Operator
R 2502 Brasov 04:31 CFR Calatori
IR 74-1 Lokoshaza 06:13 CFR Calatori
IR 1928 Constanta 06:14 CFR Calatori
IR 1528 Bucuresti Nord 06:14 CFR Calatori
R 2101 Sibiu 06:54 CFR Calatori
R 2501 Fagaras 08:07 CFR Calatori
R 2504 Brasov 12:32 CFR Calatori
R 2102 Brasov 14:53 CFR Calatori
R 2103 Sibiu 15:35 CFR Calatori
R 2503 Fagaras 17:30 CFR Calatori
R 2104 Brasov 17:31 CFR Calatori
IR 1529 Sibiu 20:31 CFR Calatori
IR 1929 Sibiu 20:31 CFR Calatori