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Trains departing from Cotesti Hm.

There is a total of 18 trains departing from Cotesti Hm. on the 9th of September. Alternatively, you can view the list of trains arriving to Cotesti Hm.

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Train To Departure Operator
R 5012 Bucuresti Nord 04:58 CFR Calatori
R 5101 Adjud 06:09 CFR Calatori
R 5054 Ploiesti Sud 06:26 CFR Calatori
R 5103 Marasesti 06:51 CFR Calatori
R 5051 Marasesti 07:22 CFR Calatori
R 5302 Buzau 07:25 CFR Calatori
R 5107 Marasesti 08:59 CFR Calatori
R 5105 Galati 11:57 CFR Calatori
R 5109 Marasesti 12:04 CFR Calatori
R 5108 Buzau 13:39 CFR Calatori
R 5106 Adjud 15:10 CFR Calatori
R 5110 Buzau 16:38 CFR Calatori
R 5053 Marasesti 16:39 CFR Calatori
R 5112 Buzau 17:20 CFR Calatori
R 5111 Marasesti 17:31 CFR Calatori
R 5216 Buzau 18:10 CFR Calatori
R 5011 Marasesti 20:13 CFR Calatori
R 5210 Buzau 20:42 CFR Calatori