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Trains departing from Ghergani Hm.

There is a total of 32 trains departing from Ghergani Hm. on the 12th of February. Alternatively, you can view the list of trains arriving to Ghergani Hm.

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Train To Departure Operator
R 9102 Bucuresti Nord 04:55 CFR Calatori
R 9101 Targoviste 05:08 CFR Calatori
R 9022 Bucuresti Nord Gr.B 05:10 CFR Calatori
R 9103 Targoviste 06:17 CFR Calatori
R 9104 Bucuresti Nord Gr.B 06:41 CFR Calatori
R 15160 Bucuresti Nord 06:55 Transferoviar Calatori
R 9021 Pitesti 07:29 CFR Calatori
R 9106 Bucuresti Nord Gr.B 07:55 CFR Calatori
R 9024 Bucuresti Nord 08:20 CFR Calatori
R 9026 Bucuresti Nord 08:20 CFR Calatori
R 15162 Bucuresti Nord 08:43 Transferoviar Calatori
R 15161 Targoviste 08:49 Transferoviar Calatori
R 9031 Pitesti 09:01 CFR Calatori
R 9023 Piatra Olt 09:01 CFR Calatori
R 15163 Targoviste 11:11 Transferoviar Calatori
R 9108 Bucuresti Nord 12:49 CFR Calatori
R 9105 Targoviste 13:45 CFR Calatori
R 9107 Targoviste 15:06 CFR Calatori
R 15164 Bucuresti Nord 15:52 Transferoviar Calatori
R 9109 Targoviste 16:10 CFR Calatori
R 9110 Bucuresti Nord Gr.B 16:32 CFR Calatori
R 15166 Bucuresti Nord 17:02 Transferoviar Calatori
R 9025 Pitesti 17:04 CFR Calatori
R 15165 Pietrosita Hm. 17:30 Transferoviar Calatori
R 9112 Bucuresti Nord 17:42 CFR Calatori
R 9111 Targoviste 17:53 CFR Calatori
R 9032 Bucuresti Nord Gr.B 18:08 CFR Calatori
R 9028 Bucuresti Nord Gr.B 18:08 CFR Calatori
R 15167 Targoviste 19:27 Transferoviar Calatori
R 9113 Targoviste 20:33 CFR Calatori
R 9027 Pitesti 21:30 CFR Calatori
R 9030 Bucuresti Nord Gr.B 21:32 CFR Calatori