There is a total of 9 trains departing from Rastolita Hm. on the 12th of September. Alternatively, you can view the list of trains arriving to Rastolita Hm.
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Train | To | Departure | Operator |
R 4506 | Miercurea Ciuc | 06:30 | CFR Calatori |
R 4503 | Deda | 08:27 | CFR Calatori |
R 4510 | Brasov | 13:17 | CFR Calatori |
R 4507 | Deda | 15:45 | CFR Calatori |
R 4512 | Brasov | 16:40 | CFR Calatori |
R 4511 | Targu Mures | 19:00 | CFR Calatori |
IR 1645 | Targu Mures | 19:35 | CFR Calatori |
IR-N 1642 | Bucuresti Nord | 23:29 | CFR Calatori |
IR-N 1942 | Mangalia | 23:29 | CFR Calatori |