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Trains departing from Teregova Hm.

There is a total of 7 trains departing from Teregova Hm. on the 14th of February. Alternatively, you can view the list of trains arriving to Teregova Hm.

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Train To Departure Operator
R 9551 Caransebes 05:19 CFR Calatori
R 9552 Orsova 08:19 CFR Calatori
R 9553 Timisoara Nord 15:06 CFR Calatori
IR 73-2 Bucuresti Nord 16:23 CFR Calatori
R 9192 Domasnea Cornea Hm. 17:31 CFR Calatori
R 9557 Caransebes 18:29 CFR Calatori
R 9556 Orsova 20:34 CFR Calatori