There is a total of 8 trains departing from Tufalau h. on the 17th of February. Alternatively, you can view the list of trains arriving to Tufalau h.
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Train | To | Departure | Operator |
R 16362 | Brasov | 07:01 | Regio Calatori |
R 16361 | Bretcu Hm. | 08:18 | Regio Calatori |
R 16364 | Brasov | 13:35 | Regio Calatori |
R 16363 | Bretcu Hm. | 14:59 | Regio Calatori |
R 16365 | Bretcu Hm. | 17:16 | Regio Calatori |
R 16366 | Sfantu Gheorghe | 18:03 | Regio Calatori |
R 16367 | Bretcu Hm. | 20:12 | Regio Calatori |
R 16368 | Sfantu Gheorghe | 20:58 | Regio Calatori |